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For several years, ETS DIDACTIC GMBH have been developing and producing didactic training systems for metal training sector, too. The focus is on the ETS gears, but also on sensorics and control technologies, electrical, but also pneumatic, electro-pneumatic and hydraulic systems. Moreover, automation technology and robotics must not be forgotten. The industry-oriented realization of the ETS systems and solutions is the advantage here.
For teaching the fundamentals of metal training, ETS mainly offers learning systems for various gear types and roller bearing technology. Training units on the topics “Belt tension and Couplers” round off the spectrum. Well prepared learning materials allow seamless use in the lessons. Due to modern forms of learning, knowledge transfer and curiosity of the learners are stimulated.
tec2SKILL® - the digital ETS learning assistant – is a free APP for Android and iOS for smart and useful integration of tablets or smartphones into the learning process. It’s an outstanding technology for interlinking theory and practice catching your participants’ attention – and providing fast technology access. tec2SKILL® made by ETS.
Try it. Just download!