Safety of Electrical Installations and Devices

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Safety of Electrical Installations and

The safety of electrical installations and devices is vital for each topic concerning the training on electrical engineering, i.e. for electricians but also for skilled electricians for specified activities, the mechatronics engineer or motor vehicle mechatronics engineer with reference on the high-voltage technologies electrical or hybrid vehicles. Additionally, the curricula of some metal professions include knowledge in the field of protection technology and the voltage and current correlation.

ETS DIDACTIC GMBH - VDE Schutzmaßnahmen und Gerätesicherheit

ETS DIDACTIC offers a three-stage concept with solutions for electrical protection measures.

For starting a career as an electrician it is important to know the various network systems and their protection elements, e.g. RCD or circuit breaker. In the experiments, the learner has now the possibility to explore and understand the function and effects of electrical systems safely (voltage reduced to 10:1). The ETS documents (SOL) have been created to help the learner to develop and understand correlations.

ETS DIDACTIC GMBH Schutzmaßnahmen - KleinspannungsboardThe experiments have to be carried out using a multimeter and the results are documented in the worksheets. Practical work provides knowledge and competences. Completed by informative learning software, experiments on portable devices or systems with safety extra-low voltage supplement experiences in this field.

ETS DIDACTIC GMBH - VDE Schutzmaßnahmen und Gerätesicherheit - Trainingssystem

The second step is realized by a laboratory system in accordance with VDE0100 standardization. Using a VDE 0100 Installation tester, the participant has to check the commissioning of an electrical installation beginning with the transformer station, getting to know and comprehending tests on types of systems, e.g. TN, TT, TNC and TNCS systems, followed by the main service entrance of a building and the use of RCDs. Examination of a sub-distribution is to supplement the basic system. There is a practical orientation in all test stages supplied with fault simulators fed with external voltage to ensure an identical reproduction of a real system with regard to the measuring values but also the behavior of the plant sections. For realistic study of the electrical installation, measuring devices, i.e. the VDE Installation Tester, of diverse manufacturers with various measuring methods can be used emphasizing the multi-functionality and flexibility of the systems offered by ETS DIDACTIC. The test and information documents are to supplement the VDE0100 training system on protective measures.

Due to rapid changes in this topical area, the purchasing of didactic media includes the ETS update service of your learning documents.

Within the range of RCD, you can choose between individual components and various RCD and their trigger characteristic. If there is an impact on the IT system too, the training concept can be extended by this topic.

The third step of getting to know protective measures according to VDE100 is the real and practical experience trainer BST®VDE0100 – Building Systems Trainer made by ETS DIDACTIC. It is to complete the various learning situations offering general practical training situations beginning with the building entrance, via NH isolators and surge protection (lightning, surge and fine protection) and protection elements to analyze and carry out tests covering the entire topic of building installation technology. For this system, an independent fault simulator is available for trainings test situations. Trainees have the opportunity to get to know and use measuring devices with their particular limits under industrial conditions and to find out which measuring method of measuring device manufacturer requires which configuration and to interpret the measurement results.

The system can be used for starter trainings bus also for further education of experts. In craft industry, it is often used for system testing.

The learning situations are expanded by didactic learning documents for trainers and participants and a PowerPoint presentation on currently applicable standards, too. The completion of test protocols is also given attention to. Here, the professional software for documentation can be used. TechnoCARDS® VDE0100 for various learning scenarios and the preparation for them as individual learning aids are available.

An „A to Z“ training concept.

For choosing the measurement equipment and corresponding accessories, ETS will be glad to consult you in any matter. We cooperate with diverse manufacturers and have excellent conditions for the educational sector at our command which we are happy to pass on to you.

VDE 0701 0702 – Inspection of portable devices is another training system offered by ETS DIDACTIC complementing this complex of themes in the field of protective measures.

A set consisting of a number of diverse applications and applications with various faults is available. Faults can be set individually but also combined per module so that the learner is again confronted with unknown challenges. Safe handling of test equipment for testing according to VDE0701-702 must be confirmed by the learner. TechnoCARDS® VDE 0701 0702, as well as comprehensive documentations on the experiments make the measurements of the components easier.

Theoretical knowledge is intensified by practical experiments. The measurements to be carried out again and again in another constellation and thus providing new challenging situations facilitate the step-by-step technology transfer and train safe use of measurement devices. „Interpretation“ of the particular situation and correct use of industrial measurement equipment face the challenge for den participants and their knowledge. Practical systems for PRACTITIONERS – skilled workers.