Collaborative Robot

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Robotics – Collaborative Robot

The Future of Robotics


ETS DIDACTIC Robotik humanoider Zweiarmroboter

Industrial collaborative
two-arm robot

The collaborative two-arm industrial robot (also called COBOT) is embedded in a comprehensive training concept by ETS DIDACTIC and is equipped with extensive teacher programs.

Collaborative manufacturing is the future world in modern, digitalized production plants. The cooperation of people and technology is clearly advantageous in the production process. In the course of educational training and qualification, these advantages can be trained and taught already today. Apart from usual programming and start-up knowledge, soft skills involving particular attention, coordination and definition are relevant here.

Explore new horizons! For instance when programming the humanoid two-arm robot. Through „Programming by operating“, today’s experts are prepared for applications, requirements and challenges of the future labor market.

ETS DIDACTIC Robotik humanoider Zweiarmroboter Programmieren durch führen

By using new tools and applications, operators and installers experience and discover time-efficient but also safe way to create carcass programs in a very short time. The fully integrated software platform allows easy harmonization of all processes thus supporting flexible working with the app and the software suite in a unique integrative approach. At this point, the consistency of programming and simulation is important to emphasize again.

ETS DIDACTIC Robotik humanoider Zweiarmroboter Industrie 4.0

The ETS DIDACTIC solutions empowers your trainees to get a glance at the virtual learning world of robot applications. The ETS Virtual COBOT, i.e. the identical application for digital commissioning is available. On the basis of the complementary and didactically edited ETS manuals for the simulation, your trainees are getting experts in programming in the twinkling of an eye completing their technical knowledge very fast. Various fully documented learning situations for your lessons are ready for use.

Virtual Robot Learning World – Collaborative Robot

ETS Virtual ROBOT and ETS Virtual Industrial ROBOT

Already widely used in the field of Digital Engineering, simulated programming can be carried out with the digital twin in advance. Classic educational training and qualification profits from these industrial tools, because the programming training can be practiced by each participant individually as a one-by-one situation, and so that a very high quality standard can be realized.

ETS DIDACTIC Robotik - VR-Simulation

The trainees can come to vast experience before moving on to the real system. Simultaneously, in methodological terms, new ways of commissioning robotic systems can be sought at this early time. As well as for the 6-axis and the two-arm industrial robots, such solutions are offered by ETS DIDACTIC. Professional manuals are offered to accompany the simulation exercises efficiently assisting with the realization of the learning objectives.

ETS DIDACTIC Robotik - Simulation


Collaborative two-arm robot, control unit, programming device FlexPendant® system trolley, programming software, sloped material holder and storage modules

14 pieces in colors: white, red, green, blue, black, yellow, orange
Dimensions: 119x119x15mm
with snap-in mechanism (10 pieces)
with snap-in mechanism, red (10 pieces)
"Robotics - Basics and programming tasks"
"Robotics - Basics and programming tasks"