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This trade name stands for a PCI card for use in your PC as a hard drive protection system. It manages write-and-erase cycles of individual PCs in a unique and simple way. Whatever mistakes have been made or which PC settings have been changed, you can reset the configuration of the IT system to a desired state at any time. Time for system maintenance is not needed!
The digital learning factory 4.0 – also called connectedFACTORY – CPS-i40® has been developed for education and training in the field of automated and digital production. Both, the qualification of future skilled workers, as well as retraining of experts for tomorrow’s labor market trends are in the focus here.
The ETS QBOT360® is an automated transport system (FTS) that can be easily integrated in our CPS-i40® system and ideally completing our IIoT system technology.
The robot cell SafetyCUBE™ has been designed by ETS DIDACTIC as a compact mobile training unit for this field. The SafetyCUBE® meets all requirements of modern vocational training successfully helping with the teaching of profound knowledge on robot systems.
The BuildingSystemsTrainer® is a mobile training system showing large interrelationships. The BST® can also be easily brought out of the workshop into a laboratory or classroom and is ready for use within some minutes!
In addition to our laboratory equipment with the experimenting boards, these flexible training systems represent an autonomous production line covering many topics, e.g. VDE protective measures according to VDE 0100 or KNX building communication.
The TECHNOCard® which we develop individually for each individual training system is one of our carefully thought out courseware products. In their A3 layout and laminated, they are highly durable and persistent in the training routine.
TECHNOCards include all necessary safety instructions and support the learner by showing the parameters and function groups, or helping with the start-up. The TECHNOCard® format can be integrated together with the experimenting boards in a laboratory frame during the experiments.
Several individual TECHNOCards® belong to a set of cards showing the special overview of a training system.
If the full amount of knowledge for a system cannot be shown on TECHNOCards® alone, the TECHNOBook® is provided showing the didactically prepared learning material for practical use of the training system.
The T3 MediaBoxX® is designed to supplement your lessons with a hardware independent training concept covering the complete basic knowledge in the field of electrical engineering.
This training concept presented and designed by ETS DIDACTIC GmbH represents a complete solution for educators, teachers and trainers providing all documents required for theory, presentation and examination preparation. The examination itself is contained, too.
The T3 MediaBoxX® covers the
following basic topic: